Ink rubbing: A pattern rubbing phenomenon in which the ink on the surface of a printed product rubs against another piece of paper.
发作要素﹕在打印品表面的油墨未干透的情况下就频频挪动印张使得印张之间彼此 磨擦发作印纹擦花。
Attack Elements: When the ink on the surface of the prints is not completely dry, the prints are moved frequently to make the prints rub against each other.
过底反印:下面一张纸的表面印纹粘到上面一张纸的底面上。 发作要素:打印墨量过多﹐油墨单调过慢﹐纸张吸墨性差﹐打印后纸张堆积过高。
Back-to-back printing: The surface prints of the following sheet of paper are glued to the bottom of the upper sheet of paper. Attack factors: too much ink, too slow ink monotony, poor ink absorption of paper, after printing paper accumulation is too high.
墨辊痕:打印品表面呈现必定宽度的一条或多条深色线条。 发作要素:因着版墨辊压在版上力过重﹐当着版墨辊经过版滚筒缺口时降低少量便 撞向版头而弹起使网点扩展构成一条墨杠.
Ink roll mark: One or more dark lines with a certain width on the surface of the printed product. Attack factors: Because the ink roll press on the plate is too heavy, when the ink roll passes through the gap of the plate cylinder, it reduces a small amount and bumps into the plate head and springs up, so that dots expand to form a ink bar.
水辊痕:打印品表面呈现必定宽度似一条或多条淡色线条。 发作要素:因着版水辊压在版上力过重﹐当着版水辊经过版滚筒缺口时降低少量便 撞向版头而弹起使网点减小构成一条水杠。
Water roll mark: The surface of the printer must be as wide as one or more pale lines. Attack Elements: Because the plate rollers press too hard on the plate, when the plate rollers pass through the gap of the plate drum, a small amount of reduction will bump into the plate head and pop up, so that the dots will be reduced to form a water bar.

粉化:在打印后﹐油墨不能粘稳在承印物上﹐很简单像粉笔一样被擦去的情况。 发作要素:在吸收性承印物上如纸或纸板方面﹐通常是油墨过稀和纸的吸收性特 强所形成的。在无吸收性承印物和胶片上打印时﹐则是运用不恰当油墨所形成的。
Powdered: After printing, ink can not stick to the substrate, it is very simple as chalk erased. Attack factors: In absorptive printing materials such as paper or cardboard, usually formed by too thin ink and strong paper absorption. When printing on non-absorbable copies and films, improper ink is used.
纸张起皱﹕打印后纸张起皱纹。 发作要素:用带有浪形纸边的纸张或弓形纸边的纸张施印﹐起皱情况就会发作。
Paper wrinkling: Paper wrinkling after printing. Attack Elements: Wrinkles occur when printed on paper with wavy edges or paper with bowed edges.
Ink stacking: Ink, pigments or pulp blocks accumulated between ink rollers of printers, or on printed or offset surfaces.
发作要素﹕A.纸屑(纸毛﹑纸粉)是引致堆墨的一个重要要素。 B.油墨的颜料过多或展色剂未能把颜料混悬﹐也是多见要素。 C.油墨的粘度因展色剂里的溶剂挥发而添加﹐当粘度抵达某一强度时﹐ 每次压印就会细微剥去纸面涂层﹐形成堆墨的情况。
Attack factors: A. Paper scrap (paper wool, paper powder) is an important factor leading to ink stacking. B. Too many pigments of ink or the failure of the developer to suspend the pigments are also common elements. C. The viscosity of ink is added because of the volatilization of solvent in developer. When the viscosity reaches a certain strength, the paper coatings will be slightly peeled off each embossing process to form ink heap.
晶体化﹕印纹表面光滑巩固使迭印有不着墨的情况。 发作要素﹕墨层因燥油过多而疾速氧化﹐使迭印墨无法附着其上。
Crystallization: The smooth and consolidated surface of the print makes the overlay ink-free. Paroxysmal elements: The ink layer is rapidly oxidized due to excessive drying oil, so that the overlay ink can not adhere to it.