In the process of packaging and printing, there are many factors that cause printing exposure. Next, I will talk about my opinions about printing exposure.
Printing dew mostly comes from the following situations, such as:
1. Corrugated paper is white;
Corrugated paper bleaching is the most common and difficult printing problem in the production process of corrugated cartons. It is beyond reproach that printing bleaching affects the printing effect, and it will lead to unqualified printing. Printing surfaces are often rejected by customers because of the poor appearance of printing bleaching.
2. Paper absorbs water;

Paper water absorption, and ink consistency will have a lot of impact on the printing effect, for different ways of causing exposure, treatment is also different. For example, the paper dryness is unbalanced, and part of the humidity is dry. This situation is mostly due to the humidity of the paper storage environment, which causes the paper contacting the air to absorb moisture in the air, while the paper in the middle can not get the corresponding humidity, so the paper part is dry/wet. For this kind of treatment, only the humidity and temperature in the room need to be controlled.
For the adjustment of ink consistency, because the ink is too thick, resulting in white in the printing process, this situation only needs to adjust the ink consistency.
For different printing bleaching conditions, only need to find out the reasons, and to analyze the reasons can solve the phenomenon of printing bleaching.