In the design of handbag, it is not only necessary to design one side. In the design of handbag packaging in many companies, we often find that many designs are not beautiful and practical. How to correctly treat the design standard of handbag, we will discuss it together.
The purpose of handbag design is to pursue the rationality of its function in the behavior of handheld goods, at the same time, to convey the information of goods or to display a corporate image or a cultural atmosphere of personality. The design of handbag should be simple, firm and relatively low cost. The design of pattern should pursue novelty and simplicity, while giving full play to the functions of promotion, dissemination and display. Handbags with protective and storage functions are one of the media for visual flow to convey product image.
Handbag design generally requires simplicity and generosity. In the process of handbag design and printing, logo and company name are the main front faces, or the company's business philosophy should be added. The design should not be too complex, which can deepen the impression of consumers on the company or products and achieve good publicity effect. Handbag design and printing can expand sales. Selling, let the purchaser want to enhance competitiveness has a great role. As the premise of the design and printing strategy of handbag, the establishment of corporate image plays an important role that can not be ignored. As the basis of design composition, the grasp of form psychology is very important. From the perspective of visual psychology, people abandon monotonous and uniform forms and pursue diversified changes. Handbag design and printing should reflect the company's unique characteristics.

The following points should be paid attention to when making handbags:
1. When sewing handles of handbags, they must be meticulous, and do not obstruct things. Some manufacturers simply sew together to save time. If they carry a little more items, they will be very easy to lose.
2. When making handbag, it is necessary to coat the material used for making handbag so as to make it have better weight-bearing and water-proof performance.
3、要是是无纺布手提袋在涂膜的时间,,涂膜厚度要轻微大一些,而PVC材质自己的承装本领就很强,无须再加之涂抹。 无论制作什么材质的手提袋,PVC材质的也好,无纺布的也好,制作历程中有几个方面都是值得我们去细致的。
3. If the non-woven handbag is coated in the film time, the film thickness should be slightly larger, and the PVC material itself has a strong ability to load, no need to add smear. Whatever the material of the handbag, the PVC material or the non-woven fabric, there are several aspects in the production process that deserve our careful attention.
4. When making handbag, the first thing to do is to coat the material used for making handbag, so as to make it have better weight-bearing and water-proof performance.
5. When sewing handles of handbags, they must be meticulous, and do not obstruct things. Some manufacturers, in order to save time, simply sew together, if they carry a little more items, they will be very easy to lose.
6. If the handbag is made of non-woven fabric, the thickness of the coating film should be slightly larger, while the PVC material has its own loading ability, so it does not need to be smeared.