Some companies usually use handbags to achieve the desired results for ease of use and promotion. Although handbag printing is a very simple matter, there are still many problems to be noted. Next, let's take a look at the matters needing attention in handbag printing.
1, the problem of drying.
In the process of handbag printing, the problem of drying is always something to consider. Because handbag printing is a kind of high-speed printing, this rapid printing for dryness requirements are very high, dry slowly will be stained with other things, this time you need to add some desiccant, so as to ensure the overall quality.
2, pay attention to equipment.
Equipment is the guarantee of printing quality, so we must ensure the normal operation of the machine and clean, pay attention to the use of cleaning agent after the use of serious cleaning, this is also the responsibility of enterprises.

3, light and temperature.
In the case of ensuring the quality of their own use of ink, in the printing process must avoid direct sunlight, and also pay attention to maintaining indoor temperature, direct sunlight and temperature will affect the effect of ink.
4, pay attention to the use of ink.
Ink is a special issue in printing, because the ink is not good for printing quality has a big problem, so when using ink must pay attention to the choice, and pay attention to the use of ink.
In addition, the use of water in the printing process is also very important, because it can effectively control ink viscosity, but also play a role in balancing the pH value. So we must pay attention to the time and opportunity of using water.