In the market, many anti-counterfeiting label paper can not play an effective anti-counterfeiting role, so it is easy for illegal elements to copy, forming many commodity users are difficult to distinguish whether genuine:
1. Recognition performance: Anti-counterfeiting identification features of anti-counterfeiting technology products can be correctly identified by senses or machines (instruments) within the requested identification time.
2. Application Environmental Requirements: The anti-counterfeiting performance of anti-counterfeiting technology products should meet the normal application environmental requirements of the subject matter.
3. Technological security and confidentiality: The technology of designing and manufacturing anti-counterfeiting technical products should have security and confidentiality. In addition, we should consider the economic cost compliance, that is, to meet the anti-counterfeiting technology requirements at the same time, we should reduce the use of cost as much as possible.

4. Identity Uniqueness: Uniqueness and non-transferability of anti-counterfeiting identification features of anti-counterfeiting technology products. For example, digital anti-counterfeiting, to achieve a commodity anti-counterfeiting label paper and an identity code, each anti-counterfeiting label paper can only be used once, can not be transferred.
Fifth, the stability period: under normal operating conditions, the time for the anti-counterfeiting identification characteristics of anti-counterfeiting technology products to persist. For example, fluorescent ink and temperature-varying ink have decay period.
6. Peace Period: Under normal operation conditions, the anti-counterfeiting identification features of anti-counterfeiting technology products have been successfully copied for a short time. This is customer care, should be submitted by the manufacturer commitment period.
Seventh, anti-counterfeiting efforts: distinguish between serious and false, avoid counterfeiting function durability and reliable level. Anti-counterfeiting ability consists of four factors: the number of anti-counterfeiting identification features, the number of anti-counterfeiting technology monopoly, the difficulty of copying and the cost of copying.
8. Application compliance: The ability of anti-counterfeiting identification features of anti-counterfeiting technology products to comply with the application requests of the subject matter or the service object.